
Statement of Ethical Commitment

ServareGMP is a non-profit company with a mission that serves the public interest as a charitable organization. Although a biotechnology organization, ServareGMP is first and foremost a non-profit entity, and unlike for-profit organizations, ServareGMP is not organized for the purpose of providing a return on investment to its owners. ServareGMP’s sole reason for existing is to use its capabilities to meet the needs of the underserved, the neglected and the vulnerable.

ServareGMP works for the greater good, attempting to reduce the suffering caused by disease. ServareGMP will always take into account its stakeholders and its populations served, when developing policies, programs, and its operations. Furthermore, ServareGMP will make every effort to actively engage members of the population to serve in its operations in volunteer roles, compensated roles, and board of director roles. Integral to its efforts, ServareGMP holds in highest regard the values of respect, transparency, professionalism, quality, independence, non-discrimination, and equity for its employees and the community at large.

ServareGMP will, in every instance possible, apply an open source approach to its Intellectual Property, facilitating use by others without restriction. However, 3rd parties providing Intellectual Property used in ServareGMP projects will have their rights respected.